
Time is precious. Thank you for sharing yours.

The hard part and beyond

The hard part and beyond

With time, we learn we must be patient for the moment, for it has not yet been fully realized.

This is the hard part.

We start to feel and see and understand in previously unknown ways. There is discomfort in living fully.

With time, we can even find peace in the seeming impasse. We know it will—will pass—like all challenging and glorious and painful moments do. We accept the uncertainty—even invite its rattling presence—and we keep going. 

(Pause, please, to rest in the gratitude for having lived through each difficult moment you’ve met, to date. So few things are absolute—and yet, here you are, absolutely alive in this instant.)

With time, we discover ourselves and hold grace in knowing, “This moment is not yet fully realized.” 

(Speak it out loud to remind yourself.)

This moment is a chapter in a larger, more encompassing story, and you are its ultimate narrator.

Letters from Gold Arrow Camp

Letters from Gold Arrow Camp

On longing

On longing