
Time is precious. Thank you for sharing yours.

Let us be better

Let us be better

Dear Women,

We must be better to one another.

We must, because doing otherwise does not improve the lives of women.

Because applying derogatory terms to women in response to their appearance or sexuality is wrong. Period. And this includes Miley Cyrus.

Hateful language toward any person degrades our collective capacity for empathy.

We must, because despite political efforts to command equality, we continue garnering lesser wages than male counterparts.

And a woman’s right to choose to receive an abortion is being challenged in some states.

We must, because many of these matters do not center on personal preference, but on human rights. Personal preference is always a choice, until it is not.

We must care for one another with the kindness and respect we want our sons and daughters to receive.

We must, because we cannot afford to do otherwise.

We must be better to one another, because doing otherwise does not improve the lives of women.

Please join me at Every Mother Counts to learn how women are helping women receive access to pre- and post-natal care across the globe.

Protect the things we love

Protect the things we love

Dashed coin-swimming dreams

Dashed coin-swimming dreams